Name Changes
To initiate a name change, please visit the main campus Registrar’s Office (SASB North; Suite 3100) during their office hours 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. You will be required to have a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.) with your picture and new name on it in order for the change to be processed.
Please notify the School of Medicine ( when you initiate this change with the main campus Registrar’s Office. Once your name is updated in ConnectCarolina, the School of Medicine Office of Student Affairs can update their records.
UPDATE: As of May 2021 all students may choose the name that is reflected on their diploma. For credentialing and licensure purposes, the School of Medicine recommends using your legal name on your diploma. If you choose to use a different name, please let the SOM Office of Student Affairs know about the change. You may email to confirm there will not be any issues.
Do I need a new OneCard?
It’s not required to get a new OneCard but the OneCard Office will replace it for free if your name is official with the SOM.
Do I need a new hospital badge?
It’s not required to get a new hospital badge but that the Photo ID Badge Office will replace it for free if your name is official with the SOM. You will need to show ID with your new name (driver’s license, passport, etc.) to get the replacement badge with matching badge access.
Do I need to change my email address?
It’s not required but if you want to change your email address to reflect your new name, you must visit the walk-in IT Office located in MacNider 65.