Education is a core mission of the UNC Department of Pediatrics. Our goal is to educate medical students, residents, subspecialty residents, and practicing clinicians to provide outstanding healthcare to children. We also support our learners in developing skills necessary for effective quality improvement, advocacy, and scholarly work.
Our Department has a strong tradition in medical education with over 65 years of successful student and resident programs. The medical student programs continue to be extremely successful in ensuring that UNC students acquire core pediatric knowledge and problem solving skills in the context of their overall curriculum. The Third Year Clerkship through its innovative curriculum and nationally recognized faculty leadership has been named by the medical students as the “Best Clerkship”. The Fourth Year pediatric selectives and electives provide the many educational opportunities necessary to prepare students for the transition to residency. In addition, the Fourth Year advising system enables students to be competitive for the residency application process.
The core residency and the subspecialty residency programs are all ACGME accredited and the graduates are very successful in obtaining post-residency opportunities of their choice. Approximately half of the core residents enter academic subspecialty programs and half select clinical practice positions. The majority of the subspecialty residents go on to junior faculty positions in academic pediatric departments. The core residency receives applications from approximately one third of all US medical school graduates seeking pediatrics residency positions, ensuring that residents selected by our program are extremely well qualified with great potential for success. Our outstanding trainees work together with dedicated faculty to care for children with a broad variety of conditions and severity, allowing our graduates to be ready for any post-training clinical practice.
Our Department places a high value on the educational mission, supporting talented faculty with expertise as educators with the time and resources necessary to sustain our effort. We invite you to further explore the opportunities in medical education in the UNC Department of Pediatrics.