Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, Pharmacology
Email: Kevin_Pruitt@med.unc.eduResearch Interests: Wnt signaling, Dishevelled, cancer epigenetics, Aromatase, tumor microenvironment (TME), post-translational modifications (PTMs), nuclear localization
Postdoctoral Researchers
Postdoctoral Researcher
Email: rachel.babcock@ttuhsc.eduResearch Interests: Use of DVL chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay to reveal novel DVL1 binding at immune genes in triple negative breast caner (TNBC) cell lines
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Interests: Discovery of broad transcriptional influence of nuclear DVL1
PhD Students
PhD Student
Email: Geetha_Boligala@med.unc.eduResearch Interests: Functional significance of PTMs of DVL in regulating oncogenic Wnt signaling Research
PhD Student
Email: mailto:ecju223@email.unc.eduResearch Interests: Identifying and characterizing novel post-translational modifications on aromatase
PhD Student
Email: fsardela@ttuhsc.eduResearch Interests: Determining the Role of DVL3 in regulating the activity of immunomodulatory genes and immune recruitment to tumors
PhD Student
Email: gstroman@unc.eduResearch Interests: How does the regulation of MeCP2 DNA reader function contribute to breast cancer?