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Research Grants
Research GrantsR01
Renewal, Resubmission, Revision
Research Grants – Cooperative Agreements
Research Grants - Cooperative AgreementsResearch Grants - Cooperative Agreements
Renewal, Resubmission, Revision
NIH Holiday
U.S. Office of Personnel ManagementFederal Holidays
Research Career Development
Research Career Development AwardsK Series
Renewal, Resubmission, Revision
Other Research Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Other Research Grants and Cooperative AgreementsR03, R21, R33, R21/R33, R34, R36, U34, UH2, UH3, UH2/UH3
Renewal, Resubmission, Revision
NIH Holiday
U.S. Office of Personnel ManagementFederal Holidays
UNC-CH Holiday
UNC-CH HRUNC-Chapel Hill Holiday
Individual National Research Service Awards
F Series FellowshipsF Series Fellowships New, Renewal, Resubmission
Conference Grants and Conference Cooperative Agreements
Conference Grants and Conference Cooperative AgreementsR13, U13 All - New, Renewal, Resubmission, Revision