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My research focus is on peripheral vascular disease, specifically chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). This is a very clinically challenging and resource-intensive population to manage and there are ever-changing therapeutic options that make CLTI fascinating to treat and research. With an MPH, I have significant expertise in large database research and surgical outcomes research. I am the site- PI for a national randomized controlled trial comparing endovascular versus open revascularization in CLI patients (BEST-CLI) and involved in two other wound clinical trials currently.
Additionally, I have had a long-standing special interest in healthcare delivery to marginalized patient populations and have published work on disparities in the treatment of CLTI and limb loss. I also work on clinical and research projects related to minimizing care variation to improve surgical outcomes and address healthcare disparities.


Enhanced Recovery After Surgery


Precision Health




Surgical Outcomes



  • Analysis of a Machine Learning–Based Risk Stratification Scheme for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia, NIH R21, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Principal Investigator, (2023-2025).
  • Developing a Flexible Statistical Framework to Accelerate Data-Driven Treatment Algorithms for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures, Inaugural Binkley Award Recipient (2024-2025).

  • Determining the best personalized treatment sequence for patients with severe peripheral artery disease at high risk for limb loss. Submitted to National Institutes of Health, National Principal Investigator, 21-site Sequential Multiple Assessment Randomized Trial (Pending)
  • Tailored Treatment Strategies for Patients with Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia submitted to the National Institutes of Health (Pending)
  • Impact of treatment sequences on disease-free survival: A secondary analysis of the BEST-CLI trial, Submitted to the National Institutes of Health (Pending)
  • BEST-CLI Imaging Core, Novo Nordisk Foundation (Active)
  • Using Precision Medicine to Define Adaptive Treatment Strategies for Patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia, Society for Vascular Surgery Foundation Clinical Research Seed Grant (Completed)
  • Using Precision Medicine to Define Adaptive Treatment Strategies for Patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia, The North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute Pilot Grant, 2020- 2021, Principal Investigator (Completed)
  • Staging Peripheral Arterial Disease, UNC Center for Healthcare Innovation, 2018-2019, Principal Investigator (Completed)



European Society for Vascular Surgery Podcasts: Translational Spring Meeting Q&A Part 1 with K. McGinigle & J. Raffort-Lareyre
Vaiva Dabravolskaite had a please talking with two extraordinary physicians and scientists: Prof. Katherine McGinigle and Dr. Juliette Raffort-Lareyre. Together we will introduce concepts of machine learning, artificial intelligence and etc and will dive in deeper into different ways it can assist us in predicting risk models for patients with CLTI.


Audible Bleeding Podcast: JVS MTA – Katharine McGinigle – Sex Disparities in Vascular Interventions June 1, 2021 
In this “Meet the Author” Episode, Jacob and Matt Chia sit down with Dr. Katharine McGinigle to discuss her article in the June 2021 issue of the JVS titled, “Sex-related disparities in intervention rates and type of intervention in patients with aortic and peripheral arterial diseases in the National Inpatient Sample Database.”


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