The Department of Urology would like to extend its heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Eric Wallen on his recent election to Chair of the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Review Committee for Urology effective July 1st, 2020.
Dr. Wallen first started serving as a Review Committee Member in 2017 and his appointment as Chair of this committee only further highlights his devotion to advancing urology graduate medical education.
“Dr. Wallen is an exemplary teacher, mentor and advocate for innovation and improvement in our approach to education. Our own department has benefited immeasurably from his leadership, and we are proud to have his vision driving enhancements in urology education on the national level.”
Matthew Nielsen, MD, MS, FACS
Professor and Interim Chair
In addition to his appointment to the Review Committee for Urology, Dr. Wallen also served on the ACGME Milestones 2.0 project which focused on designing and updating the metrics for assessing urology residents as they progress during their training. The new milestones go into effect on July 1, 2020.
A longstanding passionate advocate for resident education and professional development, Dr. Wallen received the AUA’s Teacher of the Year award in 2012, which recognizes outstanding urology educators who have dedicated a portion of their career to teaching residents and advancing urology graduate medical education.
About Dr. Wallen
Dr. Wallen received his medical degree from the University of California at Los Angeles and completed his residency in Urologic Surgery at Stanford University.
After residency, Dr. Wallen served as an Assistant Professor of Urology in the Department of Surgery at Dartmouth Medical School. He later joined the Division of Urology at UNC in 2003 and was appointed UNC’s Urology Residency Program Director in 2011.
Dr. Wallen is currently a professor in the UNC Department of Urology and continues his role as the Residency Program’s Director.
Dr. Wallen is also a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and specializes in urologic oncology and robotic surgery. Dr. Wallen was instrumental in bringing robotic surgery to UNC and has subsequently facilitated the development of many of the robust robotic surgical programs across UNC surgical subspecialties, which includes helping to found the UNC Computer and Robotic Enhanced Surgery Center (CARES) Advisory Board.