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Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Division of Liver Transplant / Vascular Anesthesia
Division of General Anesthesia


Alexander (“Alex”) Doyal, MD, MPH, FASA is a Professor of Anesthesiology in the Division of Liver Transplant and Vascular Anesthesia. Clinically, his interests include POCUS (point of care ultrasound), medical simulation education, and clinical care for patients undergoing liver transplant surgery, major vascular surgery, major oncological surgeries, and regional anesthesia. His research focuses mainly on topics related to patient safety and medical equipment. He is interested in utilizing Big Data for research, particularly MPOG.  He is also interested in global health equity and collaborative international medicine initiatives.

Dr. Doyal has a keen interest in resident education and mentorship. He has received multiple awards for teaching from the UNC Department of Anesthesiology, including the Faculty Honor Roll and Best Intraoperative Teacher. He is also a member of the UNC School of Medicine Academy of Educators and the Society for Education in Anesthesia.


Residency: University of Virginia Medical Center (Charlottesville, VA)
Master of Public Health: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC)
Medical School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC)
Undergraduate: The College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA)

National Committees / Membership

American Society of Anesthesiology Global Health Equity
Society for Education in Anesthesia Global Health
Perioperative Clinical Research Committee – Multicentered Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG)


UNC Department of Anesthesiology Resident Education Faculty Honor Roll
UNC Department of Anesthesiology Best Intraoperative Teacher
UNC Department of Anesthesiology Research Honor Roll
American Society of Anesthesiology POCUS Mentor
UNC School of Medicine Academy of Educators
Top 10% Most Cited Physician, Doximity Award (2022)

Department / Institutional Leadership

Director of Anesthesia Urology Rotation
Director of Medical Student POCUS Rotation, MEDI 547
ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery) for Urology Department Leader

National / State / Local Leadership

Moderator – Medically Challenging Cases and and Quality Improvement Projects (ASA 2023).
Facilitator – Problem-based Learning Discussion (ASA 2023)

Education, degrees, certifications:

Fellow of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (FASA)
Diagnostic Point of Care Cardiac Ultrasound Certificate
Diagnostic Point of Care Pulmonary Ultrasound Certificate
Diagnostic Point of Care Gastric Ultrasound Certificate


Anesthesia for Liver Transplants
Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery
Anesthesia for Urology
Point of Care Ultrasound
Transesophageal Echocardiography
Simulation Education of Critical Intraoperative Events

Pubmed link:

Click here for Dr. Doyal’s publications