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New study reveals strong connection between heart and brain health

June 2, 2023
Dr. Hongtu Zhu, a BRIC faculty member and his team recently published a paper in Science (  They used advanced techniques to study the brain and its connection with the rest of the body. Traditional brain imaging methods often overlook the interaction between the brain and other organs. In a...

Eran Dayan, PhD, Awarded Grant for Work with Parkinson’s Disease

May 30, 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Eran Dayan on receiving an RO2 grant from (NICHD) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. They are providing funding ($404,276) for his project “Targeted Motor Learning to Improve Gait for Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease.”  Over the 2-year lifespan (05/01/2023 – 04/30/2025) of...

Breaking Through Bacterial Barriers in Chronic Treatment-Resistant Wounds

May 23, 2023
Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine and the UNC-NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, have developed a new method that combines palmitoleic acid, gentamicin, and non-invasive ultrasound to help improve drug delivery in chronic wounds that have been infected with S. aureus. Using their new strategy, researchers including BRIC faculty member Dr....

Researchers Unveil New Collection of Human Brain Atlases that Charts the Early Developing Brain in Fine Detail

January 31, 2023
Human brain atlases can be used by medical professionals to track normative trends over time and pinpoint crucial aspects of early brain development. With these atlases, they are able to see what typical structural and functional development looks like, making it easier for them to spot the symptoms of abnormal...

A robust core architecture of functional brain networks supports topological resilience and cognitive performance in middle- and old-aged adults

October 27, 2022
Alerted connectivity in brain networks may turn them more sensitive to environmental insults and disease. In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) PhD student William Stanford, and BRIC member Eran Dayan investigated if brain resilience accounts for differences in cognitive function in...

Scientists Create New Map of the Developing Cerebral Cortex

August 22, 2022
UNC School of Medicine scientists led by Gang Li, PhD, have mapped the surface of the cortex of the young human brain with unprecedented resolution, revealing the development of key functional regions from two months before birth to two years after. The new cortical development mapping, reported online in the Proceedings...

New Method for Developing Tracers Used for Medical Imaging Discovered

June 21, 2019
Researchers led by Zibo Li, PhD, said their findings could make it possible to attach radioactive tags to compounds that previously have been difficult or even impossible to label.

Join us for the 2019 Triangle Imaging Symposium at BRIC!

March 27, 2019
The 2019 Triangle Imaging Symposium at UNC BRIC, will feature lectures by speakers from Johns Hopkins, UNC, Duke, NCSU and Wake Forest University and is open to the entire scientific community. The Symposium also includes a Poster Session with presentations given by students, trainees, residents, and faculty to highlight imaging research...