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The MAD SSCi Conference is right around the corner! Registration for the 2023 conference will open soon. The theme of this year’s meeting will be “Cultivating Collaboration”. Meeting features include an opening reception at the Friday Conference Center, a Keynote lecture, two plenary lectures, scientific topic sessions, core administrative sessions, round table discussions, vendor talks, exhibit hall, and lots of networking opportunities.  We will cap off the meeting with a half day leadership workshop entitled Growing Pains: How to Create and Cultivate a Culture of Teamwork in Times of Transition and Flux.  Not just for facility directors, this leadership workshop is designed to teach skills to everyone, no matter their role in the team. Our pre-meeting workshops will also provide opportunities to grow in your career:

  • Business Skills Workshop: One and a half days of training in how to do all of the business side of running a core: marketing, rate setting, understanding compliance issues, and much more.  Taught by experienced Core Administrators from several different institutions who provide a breadth of knowledge and experience directly applicable to our unique business world as a Share Research Resource in an Academic setting.  Class size limited to 60 people, meets Tuesday and Wednesday, August 8 & 9.
  • Train the Trainer: Have you ever struggled to figure out the best way to teach your customers or your technicians how to do something?  Have you ever felt like you just can’t communicate effectively when you explain how to run your equipment or do a procedure? This one day seminar will teach you the skills you need to teach people with different learning styles and backgrounds.  Class size limited to 20 people, meets Wednesday, August 9.

Mark your calendars now and plan to attend!




Do you have ideas for great speakers or session topics for this event or other events?  Please reach out to us and share your ideas.  If not for this year, then for next year.

Looking for an exciting activity!  Join the MAD SSCi Organizing Committee.  We are always looking for enthusiastic members to help plan the annual conference.  Contact us today.