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Dear SOM Clinical Research Community,


Clinical research staff are essential to the successful conduct of clinical research studies and trials. We recognize that a strong and sustainable clinical research workforce is key to ensuring the quality and productivity of the clinical research enterprise of the UNC SOM, ultimately developing knowledge that will improve the health and wellbeing of North Carolinians and others whom we serve.


Feedback from clinical research staff across the SOM has shown that there is a need for clear career pathways and more robust career development opportunities for current and future personnel. To accomplish this, the CRSO has developed the SOM Clinical Research Staff Career Development Initiative (CDI), which aims to create career ladders and a competency-based career advancement model for the clinical research staff workforce by:


  1. Creating standardized positions that accurately reflect job duties and align with market standards
  2. Standardizing the creation of new clinical research staff positions through a centralized and objective process
  3. Mapping current SOM clinical research staff positions into the standardized positions


The CRSO is partnering with SOM Human Resources and the UNC-CH Office of Human Resources to accomplish the above objectives. As the first step of the CDI, we have created 15 standardized position descriptions based on review of current clinical research positions within the SOM, available SHRA and EHRA job classifications, and feedback from diverse stakeholders. Both the standardized process for the creation of new clinical research staff positions and mapping process to map current clinical research staff positions into the standardized positions are anticipated to begin later this year.


We have listed some common FAQs below, but you can find more FAQs and information about the initiative at


We look forward to working with all of you to accomplish this important initiative for SOM clinical research staff!


Thank you,


SOM CRSO, SOM Human Resources, UNC-CH Office of Human Resources






What if I have questions or concerns?

Feedback and partnership from the SOM clinical research community will be critical to the CDI initiative. If you have any questions or comments regarding the initiative now, please submit them to the CDI team using the following REDCap form:


When will this go into effect?


The staff career development initiative will be implemented in phases. Creation of the standardized position descriptions has been completed. Next, we will roll-out the process for centralized support for the creation of new positions. We anticipate that beginning Summer 2023. Following that roll-out, we will begin the mapping process for existing positions. We anticipate that beginning Summer/Fall 2023.


Is this required for all SOM departments?


Yes. All SOM departments will be included in this initiative.


What are the standardized positions?


There are 15 standardized positions that are available for review on the CRSO website here:


How were the standardized positions created?


The standardized position descriptions were created based on information shared by peer institutions who have completed this process, feedback from experienced supervisors and managers across the SOM, and with guidance (and approval) from SOM HR and OHR personnel.


Do the new SHRA positions fall within current North Carolina state competency profiles and salary banding structures?


Yes. We are not creating or modifying any North Carolina state competency profiles or salary banding structures. All positions will still be required to meet minimum recruitment standards as outlined by the North Carolina Office of State Human Resources.


Will any positions be eliminated?


No, no positions will be eliminated as a direct result of this initiative.


What if my team has positions that do not align well with one of the 15 standardized positions?


The 15 standardized positions are meant to capture the majority of clinical research staff but are not fully comprehensive of all roles. For example, there are not standardized position descriptions for project managers and program directors. If an existing position does not align well with one of the 15 standardized positions, it will not be “mapped.”




For more information, please see the webpage and full list of FAQs.