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Doctoral students interested in being formally part of the Program in Chromatin and Epigenetics can apply for entrance into a certificate program. The goal of this program is to provide students with more emphasis on epigenetic mechanisms and further exposure to approaches and techniques used in epigenetic research.

Accepted students would be on a track to receive a certificate in the program, but would receive their formal doctoral degrees in a related discipline (e.g., Biochemistry & Biophysics, Genetics, Genetics and Molecular Biology Curriculum). Award of the certificate involves completion of several classes, attendance at the Carolina Chromatin Consortium seminars and yearly symposiums with one presentation in one of these two venues.  We also require that each student at least once will attend and present (a poster or platform talk) at an international meeting that has at least one programmatic session on epigenetic mechanisms. Completion of the certificate would coincide with receiving the doctoral degree in the student’s formal doctoral program. Students should have at least two faculty members that are in the Chromatin and Epigenetics program on their thesis committee (one of which can be their mentor).

Interested students should contact Dr. Brian Strahl with a summary of their research project (as it relates to epigenetics) and CV.


Coursework Requirements

Required core modules (5 credits total)

BIOC631 or BIOC632: Advanced Molecular Biology I or II (3 credit hrs)

BIOC702: Advanced Topics in Chromatin and Epigenetics (2 credit hrs) (occurs in the fall of alternating years)


3 total credit hours from the following (*see note below):

BIOC706: Biochemistry of Human Disease (2 credit hrs)

GNET 621: Principles of Genetic Analysis (3 credit hrs)

GNET 646: Principles and Experimental Approaches of Mammalian Genetics (1 credit hr)

GNET 749: Practical RNA-Seq (2 credit hrs)

GNET 747: Development of New applications for Next Generation Sequencing (2 credit hrs)

*Other courses that are related to techniques and approaches used in epigenetic research may count towards these hours with approval.


BIOC703:  Seminars in Chromatin and Epigenetics (1 credit hr) (occurs in the fall of alternating years)

Class description:

The course focuses on the ongoing Chromatin and Epigenetic seminars that occur each month through the Carolina Chromatin Consortium. During the Spring semester, students will attend the monthly seminars given by different faculty across campus and participate in the scientific discussions by asking questions and engaging the speaker and others.  Students will be expected to familiarize in advance with the speaker’s work so that they can optimally engage the speaker when she/he presets. Students will also be expected to attend and present at the annual spring Chromatin and Epigenetics symposium, where they will present a poster or give a talk on their work.  Students will receive critical feedback on their projects as well as their presentations to improve their scientific approach and presentation skills.

Additional requirements

– Regular monthly attendance at the Carolina Chromatin Consortium (C3) monthly seminars

– Participation in the yearly Chromatin and Epigenetics Symposium

– Present at an international meeting that has at least one programmatic session on epigenetic mechanisms