Welcome to the UNC Tobacco Treatment Program

Since 2008, the UNC Tobacco Treatment Program (formerly the Nicotine Dependence Program) has provided leadership for implementing comprehensive tobacco use treatment services, education and training, and dissemination of resources for promoting tobacco-free communities. Please click here to view a video highlighting patient success stories from our Tobacco Treatment and Weight Management Programs, and check out more stories on our Success Stories page. To contact us, please call (984) 974-4976.
Our Services
UNC’s Tobacco Treatment Program (TTP) provides services regardless of ability to pay. We provide services across the UNC Health Care System:
- UNC Family Medicine Center: Open to all community members
- NC Cancer Hospital: TTP’s on-site specialists engage patients from across the state who are fighting cancer. By becoming tobacco free, patients increase treatment effectiveness and reduce risk for cancer recurrence.
- UNC Hospitals: Trained specialists ensure that patients receive medications for withdrawal upon admission to the hospital, resources for remaining tobacco free after discharge, and follow-up support.
- Worksite Programs: TTP works with local and regional employers, including UNC Health Care and the Town of Chapel Hill, to help their employees become and remain tobacco-free.
- Our newest affiliate program, TTP @ Rex Healthcare: In 2019, UNC TTP partnered with Rex Health Care to build a tobacco treatment program working with cancer patients in Wake and Johnston counties. Stay tuned to learn more about how to get connected with treatment at Rex!