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The Raffield lab had a strong presence at ASHG 2024 in Denver presenting ongoing research.

Emily Drzymalla presented “Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score association with circulating proteins but not with circulating metabolites“.

Madeline Gillman presented “Assessment of Longitudinal Trajectory Proteomic QTLs in the Multi-Ethnic Study for Atherosclerosis (MESA)“.

Micah Hysong presented “Personalized Genetics has the Potential to Advance Medical Equity: a Use Case“.

Daeeun Kim presented “Polygenic Predictors of Incident Cognitive Impairment and Dementia-associated Mortality in the REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study“.

Jayna Nichols presented “Cross-Ancestry Comparison of Aptamer and Antibody Proteomics Measures“.

Group photo from ASHG in front of wall with tag line "Celebrating 75 years of AJHG". From left to right: Madeline Gillman, Jayna Nicholas, Emily Drzymalla, Micah Hysong, and Daeeun Kim
From left to right: Madeline Gillman, Jayna Nicholas, Emily Drzymalla, Micah Hysong, and Daeeun Kim.