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Director of Graduate Studies

Daniel McKay
Associate Professor
Departments of Biology and Genetics
Integrative Program for Biological and Genome Sciences
3358 Genome Sciences Building
(919) 843-2064
Questions about applying and admissions should be directed to BBSP.  Please also see the Joining GMB page.

Faculty that wish to apply for an appointment should see the page on Joining the GMB Faculty.

Associate Director

Jill Dowen
Associate Professor
Departments of Biochemistry and Biology
Integrative Program for Biological and Genome Sciences
3360 Genome Sciences Building
(919) 962-8132

Past Director, co-PI of NIGMS T32 Training Grant

Jeff Sekelsky
Professor of Biology and Genetics
302 Fordham Hall
(919) 306-6338

Student Services Administrator

Jonathon Cornett
John Cornett
5009 Genetic Medicine Building
(919) 962-4728 phone
(919) 966-0401 fax

Business Manager

Cara Marlow
5011 Genetic Medicine Building
(919) 966-5002 phone
(919) 966-0401 fax

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee establishes program policies and evaluates new faculty applicants. It consists of the Director of Graduate Studies, the Student Services Administrator, four faculty, and two student representatives:
Samir Kelada, PhD, Associate Professor of Genetics
William Kim, MD, Distinguished Professor of Medicine (Oncology)
Katie Hoadley, PhD, Assistant Professor of Genetics
Kacy Gordon, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biology
Jeanne-Marie McPherson, PhD Student (Daniel McKay & Bob Duronio labs)
Marielle Bond, PhD Student (Hyejung Won & Doug Phanstiel labs)

Matters that involve specific students or personnel, including students for training grant appointments and ruling on request for exemptions for GMB policies, are handled by the Executive Committee, which is the Steering Committee without the student representatives.