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Jen Farris Headshot

Jen Farris
OCHPC Intern
April 2023-August 2023

Jen is an MCRP/MPH dual degree student at UNC-Chapel Hill where she studies transportation planning and health behavior. She is interested in ways urban planners and public health professionals can collaborate to address health inequities and enhance mobility options for all through design of the built environment. Jen is partnering with the CPL to conduct a program evaluation for the Orange County Home Preservation Coalition (OCHPC). OCHPC is made up of a group of partner organizations that work together to preserve, repair, and modify homes so homeowners can continue living in them comfortably and safely. The program evaluation will include researching the impacts of weatherization and HVAC retrofits on homeowner health, surveying Coalition service recipients and Coalition partners to understand program strengths and challenges, and integrating a racial equity lens throughout the evaluation. In addition to her work with OCHPC, she supports transportation safety research through UNC’s Highway Safety Research Center. Prior to UNC, Jen worked in the transportation planning field in Atlanta, GA.