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The Angela and Marty Rosenberg Step Up Endowment for MS and Neurodegenerative Diseases, also known as the Neuro STEP UP program (Neuro Standardized Training and Education Program with University Partners), offers students enrolled in the UNC Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program the opportunity to pursue specialty training in neurodegenerative diseases for a career in neurologic physical therapy. Through a combination of didactic learning, clinical experiences, community outreach and service, and education/training activities, the focus of this two-year specialty track is to prepare DPT students as evidence-based clinicians, advocates, leaders, and change-agents relative to contemporary practice standards in the arena of neurodegenerative diseases.

Angela and Marty Rosenberg have been generous supporters of the program since 2019. Learn more about the history of the program and the Rosenberg’s commitment to its success.


We are proud to support the mission of the UNC School of Medicine, and grateful to serve the people of North Carolina.