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Each entry should be an example of best practice and include contact information, a brief description, and a picture to be shared with the field. Any pictures with identifiable individuals must have previously obtained permission. Practitioners may send in an example from their own practice or recognize other practitioners/departments with prior obtained permission.

We will strive to showcase an entry each week; however, this will be dependent upon the volume of entries and participation from the field. Entries will be selected based on meeting the inclusion criteria, relevant themes that may develop, and the discretion of the Consultant for OT. Selected entries should not be viewed as “winners” in a competition.

We look forward to showcasing best practices in North Carolina!


OT Spotlight

  • Please upload only jpg, png, or pdf. If you would like to share a video, we recommend providing a link rather than a file to ensure receipt of your submission.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 4.
      Maximum file size - 64 mega bytes.
    • Please select only the boxes that are true.