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Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times

September 16, 2020
Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times: Free resources (social narratives, hand washing task analysis & calming strategies) for supporting children and youth with ASD during uncertain times (such as COVID-19 pandemic)

Hope for Healers Extended for School Staff

August 18, 2020
On August 17, Hope4Healers 919-226-2002 is expanded to include educators and all school personnel and families in accessing free, confidential brief therapy sessions to help manage stress and life challenges during COVID-19 pandemic while they work on the front lines as essential workers. Hope4Healers is implemented by DHHS/DMHDDSAS in partnership...

Highlighting Resources and Practices to Support Back to School and Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities

August 4, 2020
Highlighting Resources and Practices to Support Back to School and Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities This document provides links to the resources described in the third webinar in the OSEP series designed to feature ready-to-use resources, tools, and practices from OSEP partners to support the educational,...

What Will it Cost to Reopen Schools?

June 25, 2020

FOODNC – Tool for Families to Find Meals for Children

June 5, 2020
Help share – 877-877 Tool for Families to Find Meals for Children Online tool:

COVID-19 and Telehealth Resources

March 23, 2020
In an effort to get information directly, you are strongly encouraged to enroll your email(s) for the NC DPI EC Division listserv and any others that peak your interest.   NC DPI offers a number of topics for subscription: To subscribe to the NC DPI EC Division Update, click here...