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Trained Users

  • Only users trained by core staff are permitted to operate the microscopes, workstations, and supplies.  
  • You must receive training for each separate microscope. You can submit a training request through the HIC’s iLab.  
  • If you were previously trained and haven’t used the microscopes recently, contact us to schedule a retraining.   
  • If you don’t need training but have questions because your project has changed or isn’t going to the way you expect, feel free to request a consultation by emailing Wendy at 
  • Instrument reservations are made through the iLab reservation system.  
  • If you are unable to use the equipment at your reserved time, please cancel your reservation so other users know the equipment is available. If you have trouble cancelling, please contact the HIC.

Equipment Usage

  • HIC iLab kiosk: users should sign in to start their session AND sign out to use the equipment. 
  • ILab bookings will be held for 30 minutes if a user is late without notice. After that, the booking will be automatically categorized as a ‘no-show’ and cancelled. 
  • Only use immersion oil on oil objectives. Do not switch from an oil objective to an air or water objective without ensuring no oil will get on the non-oil objective. Please clean the immersion objectives with lens paper following use.   
  • If you get oil on a non-oil objective, alert Wendy ASAP. It’s easy to clean off when fresh, difficult when dry, and you might ruin someone else’s experiment.
  • Do not change hardware or software settings that you are not familiar with. If modifications are required, please notify core staff and return the settings to standard configuration at the end of your session.  
  • Following microscope use, the room and equipment should be left clean, operational, and in the standard configuration.  
  • If something is not functioning normally while you’re using the equipment (i.e. no light, software is frozen, error message pops up, etc.), please contact core staff immediately so that we can resolve the issue as soon as possible.   

Data Management, Storage, and Transfer

  • Users are responsible for their own data. 
  • Users must transfer their data off the core computers at the end of each session. Data is deleted periodically without notification.
  • Time used to transfer data is considered instrument use and must be booked. Transferring data while someone else is using an instrument is not allowed. 

After-Hours Access

  • HIC is staffed 9am-5pm M-F except for University Holidays and staff personal time off.
  • After-hours access is a privilege granted if a user demonstrates sufficient expertise and experience that HIC staff (and they) feel comfortable operating the microscope without staff assistance.
  • To request after-hours access: 
    1. Go to the HIC’s iLab website.
    2. Select the “Request Services” tab.
    3. Scroll to “Request after hours card access” and select the Initiate Request button on the right.

Acknowledging the Core

  • Acknowledgment of the HIC and HIC instrumentation grants is required in any publication that includes data obtained with the equipment in the Hooker Imaging Core by the funding organizations that support the HIC. These acknowledgements are our currency of relevance and ensure continued support.
  • We suggest using the following language for this acknowledgement. 
    • Microscopy was performed at the UNC Hooker Imaging Core Facility, supported in part by P30 CA016086 Cancer Center Core Support Grant to the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.” 
  • Some specific instruments require additional acknowledgements:
    • Leica STELLARIS 8 FALCON STED:  NIH grant 1S10OD030300 instrumentation grant to Dr. Stephanie Gupton
    • Keyence BZ-X810: 2022 Impact Innovation Grant from the NC Biotech Center to Dr. Andrea Azcarate-Peril
    • GEHC IN Cell Analyzer 2200: 2016 Impact Innovation Grant from the NC Biotech Center to Dr. Kenneth Pearce