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The HIC uses iLab for making training requests, equipment reservations and billing. If you have already created an iLab account for another core on campus you do not need to create another one.

How To Set Up an iLab Account

If you are at UNC:

  1. Go to the HIC’s iLab website.
  2. Click “Sign-Up” and follow the prompts for login with UNC onyen credentials to complete the request.
  3. Alert your lab that you need financial authorization within iLab. This enables payment for your microscope training and usage.(Note: HIC staff do not have the ability to authorize your funds. If your PI is unable to assign funding to your account, please contact Additional help can be found in this iLab guide.) 

If you are from outside of UNC:

  1. Go to the HIC’s iLab website.
  2. Click “Sign-Up” follow the prompts for login when you do not have UNC onyen credentials for your current institution.
  3. Obtain financial authorization to pay for microscope training and usage from your lab’s iLab manager. (Note: HIC staff do not have the ability to authorize your funds. If your PI or lab manager is unable to assign funding to your account, please check the iLab guide.) 
  4. Non-UNC customers must also have a Recharge Core Agreement (RCA) with the HIC on file at the University (RCA’s for other cores is not sufficient). This RCA template can be accepted without UNC signatory for immediate work initiation. Any changes require the UNC signature before work can be initiated, which can take several weeks.

How To Submit a Training Request

For Light Microscopy Projects

  1. Go to the HIC’s iLab website.
  2. Select the “Request Services” tab.
  3. Scroll to “Request Light Microscopy Training” and select the Initiate Request button on the right.
  4. Or, if you know the equipment you’d like to be trained on, go to the “Schedule Equipment” tab and click the “Initiate training” button by the system youre interested in.
  5. This will direct you to complete a form that includes a link for you to directly schedule a consultation with core staff. 

For TEM-Based Projects

  1. Go to the HIC’s iLab website.
  2. Select the “Request Services” tab.
  3. Scroll to “Electron Microscopy Request–training or service” and select the Initiate Request button on the right.
  4. This will direct you to complete a form and then the core will contact you to schedule a consultation. 

How To Book Time on the Equipment

  1. Go to the HIC’s iLab website.
  2. Select the Schedule Equipment tab
  3. Scroll to the system you have been trained on, then select the View Schedule button to the right.
  4. Select the time frame you would like to schedule your reservation.
  5. A window will pop up that will allow you to verify your reservation details and provide payment information before saving the reservation.

How To Get After Hours Access

After-hours access is a privilege granted if a UNC-CH user demonstrates sufficient expertise and experience that HIC staff (and they) feel comfortable operating the microscope without staff assistance. Please submit your request through iLab. 

  1. If you do not have a UNC SOM ID and are at UNC-CH, please contact Wendy or Paul.
  2. Go to the HIC’s iLab website.
  3. Select the “Request Services” tab.
  4. Scroll to “Request after hours card access” and select the Initiate Request button on the right.