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I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. My focus revolves around examining factors such as communication, trust, cultural competence, and shared decision-making that shape vaccination behaviors.

Relevant publications

  1. Olusanya, O. A., Tomar, A., Thomas, J., Alonge, K., & Wigfall, L. T. (2023). Application of the theoretical domains framework to identify factors influencing catch-up HPV vaccinations among male college students in the United States: A review of evidence and recommendations. Vaccine41(23), 3564–3576.
  2. Tomar, A., Balcezak, H. C., & Wigfall, L. T. (2020). HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer: Knowledge and attitude/beliefs among non-clinical staff at community-based HIV/AIDS Service Organizations (ASO) in the south United States (U.S.) census region. Health & social care in the community28(6), 2265–2272.
  3. Balcezak, H. C., Olusanya, O. A., Tomar, A., Foster, M., & Wigfall, L. T. (2022). A 10-year systematic review of theory-driven approaches to increasing catch-up HPV vaccination rates among young adult males in colleges/university settings. Journal of American college health : J of ACH70(8), 2535–2547.
Aditi Tomar