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Registration Open for Clinician Leadership in Quality and Safety Symposium, 3/5

February 14, 2020
Registration is open for the Clinician Leadership in Quality and Safety Symposium, to be held March 5th in Old Clinic Auditorium from 3-5:00 pm. Twelve students from the School of Nursing and the School of Medicine will present QI projects they have been conducting with their faculty mentors. Details and...

Associate Director, Dr. Shana Ratner, to Receive National Leadership Award

January 30, 2020
IHQI Associate Director, Dr. Shana Ratner, has been selected to receive the 2020 Association of Chiefs and Leaders of General Medicine Leadership Award, to be presented May 6 at the ACLGIM Annual Dinner in Birmingham, AL. Read the full story in Vital Signs.

Registration Open for IHQI Speaker Series Event on 2/11

January 16, 2020
IHQI Speaker Series: Using Good Catches to Improve Quality and Safety Stephenie Fenton-Wilhelm and Dr. Bhisham Chera Tuesday, Feb. 11 12 noon – 1 pm, Lunch provided Bondurant G-100 A good catch is an intercepted potential patient safety event. Studies suggest that good catches occur as much as 7 to...

Teams Honored at UNC Medical Center Quality and Safety Awards on January 14th

January 16, 2020
The inaugural UNC Medical Center Quality and Safety Awards were held at the Medical Center Improvement Council (MCIC) meeting on January 14th in Cancer Hospital, Conference Room 1. Although quality and safety efforts are often celebrated at the department level, this program was created to elevate the recognition of outstanding...

IHQI Associate Director, Dr. Matt Nielsen, Named Interim Chair of Department of Urology

December 5, 2019
IHQI extends congratulations to Associate Director, Dr. Matt Nielsen, who will assume the role of Interim Chair of the Department of Urology, effective January 1, 2020. We know Dr. Nielsen will bring exceptional leadership to this new role. Dr. Nielsen responded, “I love this place and the people here—it is...

IHQI Improvement Scholar, Dr. Meredith Gilliam, Shares Tips to Minimize Falls by Older Adults on WRAL News

November 21, 2019
IHQI Improvement Scholar, Dr. Meredith Gilliam, was featured on WRAL News on November 11, 2019, to share tips for minimizing falls by older adults. IHQI is pleased that Dr. Gilliam’s knowledge of how best to address this issue could be shared with a broad audience. Dr. Gilliam’s IHQI project focused...

$2.2M Grant Awarded to Project STUN (STop UNhealthy) Alcohol Use Now, an Improvement Scholar Project from 2017

October 30, 2019
In 2017, Dr. Dan Jonas led the IHQI Improvement Scholar project, “Implementation of Screening and Interventions for Unhealthy Alcohol Use.” That project developed into, “STUN (STop UNhealthy) Alcohol Use Now,” which became one of six grantees in a $16 million federal initiative to help primary care practices increase efforts to...

Call for Letters of Intent: IHQI Improvement Scholars Program

October 29, 2019
The UNC Institute for Healthcare Quality Improvement (IHQI) is soliciting applications from UNC School of Medicine and Health Care System clinicians who want to develop improvement leadership skills by participating in the IHQI Improvement Scholars Program. Selected Improvement Scholars will participate in the program and lead a clinical improvement project from Sept 1,...

IHQI Improvement Scholars Recognized at UNC Quality Expo

October 18, 2019
UNC Hospital’s 11th annual Quality Expo, organized by Performance Improvement & Patient Safety (PIPS), was held in the Bondurant lobby on October 17th and 18th. This year’s theme was, “Quality is Our Business,” and was organized as part of the National Association for Healthcare Quality’s Healthcare Quality Week. Four IHQI...

IHQI Faculty, Dr. Casey Olm-Shipman, takes on new role as Director of Quality Improvement for the Department of Neurology

October 7, 2019
IHQI congratulates Dr. Casey Olm-Shipman in her new role as Director of Quality Improvement for the Department of Neurology. In this position, Dr. Olm-Shipman will work with Department of Neurology faculty and trainees to: facilitate the identification and prioritization of quality and safety goals within the Department of Neurology. promote...