Raleigh Request for Excused Absence
Please use the following form to formally request an administrative excuse. You will receive an email shortly letting you know if this request is approved. Submission of this request does not automatically mean that request is approved. Administrative excuse is not official until you receive an email confirmation from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs or Student Affairs designee stating that you have been approved.
Please note that additional information may be required.
Please see the following:
- Professional Meeting – you must be presenting and you will be required to provide documentation about the meeting to Office of Student Affairs. This may be emailed to Leanne Shook.
- Personal/Family Emergency – brief explanation will be required
- Physical and Mental Health – this includes acute deteriorations in your mental and physical health (with or without the need to see a doctor) as well as needed medical appointments. If you have a chronic illness that will require multiple absences please talk to your College Advisor and/or Dr. Georgette Dent
- Jury Duty – Please provide copy of summons to Office of Student Affairs
- Political and Racial Trauma – provide brief explanation. See also relevant policy at: med.unc.edu/wellness/community-resources/respond-to-racial-political-trauma/
- USMLE Exams – Please provide date(s) for your exams and what exam you will be taking
- Required Training – Example of this would be EPIC training or other training required by the School of Medicine
- Wedding – Please upload a copy of the invitation.