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Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 and interested in potentially helping others? You may be eligible to donate plasma. We are partnering with the UNC Blood Donation Center in Chapel Hill, NC to schedule plasma collections for eligible donors.

Am I eligible to donate plasma at UNC?

Did you receive a positive test for COVID-19?
You must have received a positive test for COVID-19 from a UNC hospital or clinic, or elsewhere in order to be able to donate plasma at UNC for this purpose at this time.
When was the last date you experienced symptoms of COVID-19?
You can donate as early as 14 days after your last COVID-19 related symptom.
If you are interested in donating plasma at UNC please click here to complete a short survey and one of our team members will reach out to you soon. Thank you!


If you are interested in how convalescent plasma is being used, please visit for more information in English OR for more information in Español.