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Dr. Simpson received funding from the Fulbright Commission for a research trip to Bangkok, Thailand, where he advised researchers on a project investigating sudden unexpected death.

Dr. Ross Simpson with Mahidol researchers
Dr. Ross Simpson with members of the Mahidol Clinical Epidemiology Program

Dr. Ross J. Simpson, Jr. received funding from the Fulbright Commission through the Fulbright Specialist Program for a 3-week research trip in April 2016 to Ramathibodi Hospital at Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand. He advised Mahidol researchers in Cardiology and Pathology on the development of a new public health and epidemiology project investigating sudden unexpected death in the Bangkok metropolitan area. As part of his stay in Thailand, Dr. Simpson also presented lectures on sudden death, research design, and clinical epidemiology to Mahidol faculty and students.

Dr. Simpson is a Professor of Medicine in UNC’s School of Medicine, Division of Cardiology as well as Clinical Professor of Epidemiology at UNC’s School of Public Health. He is the principal investigator of SUDDEN, a UNC-based research program investigating out-of-hospital sudden unexpected death.

dr. puthabipan “Sudden Unexpected Death” is a leading cause of premature death worldwide. I strongly believe that SUD is preventable. in order to do so, we need to truly understand it.” – Dr. Prapaipan Putthapiban
“The etiologies of Sudden unexpected death (SUD) is a controversial topic, debated for decades. This study aims to understand SUD and identify its cause in order to create the effective preventive strategy.” – Dr. Wasawat Vuttikraivit dr. vuthikkraivit