Congratulations to Dr. Adam Buntaine and Dr. Anna Conterato, who are Block 5’s Morning Report Attendance Winner and Genius Award Winner, respectively!
Congratulations to Dr. Loren Robinson! She received the Howard Schubiner Award at last week’s National Med/Peds Meeting in New Orleans. This award recognizes significant contributions by a Med-Peds Resident physician to NMRPA and/or Med-Peds at the local or state level.
All graduating PGY3s and PGY4s: The ABIM Internal Medicine Boards Examination will be taking place
in August 2013. Registration opens December 1st and runs through February 1st.
Check out the new ACC Internal Medicine Chronic Pain Policy.
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2012 Kaiser-Permanente Excellence in Teaching Awards for Internal Medicine at the 2012 Whitehead Medical Society Awards Ceremony: Dr. Sarah Carroll; Dr. David McNeely; and Dr. Marc Piper. These three residents were selected by the UNC medical students in recognition of exhibiting outstanding teaching efforts during the 2011-2012 academic year.
Congratulations to the Medicine Department: Voted “Best Clerkship” by the 3rd year medical student class for the third year in a row.
Congratulations to Dr. Andy Donohoe, our Block 2 Genius Award Winner and Block 2 Attendance Award Winner runner-up, and Dr. Jan Griffin, our Block 2 Attendance Award Winner.
Loren Robinson, one of our 4th year medicine-pediatric residents, is featured in the UNC Health Care monthly edition of “Real Doctors, Real People.” We are proud of her passion to mentor medical students, and she sets a good example for us all.
Congratulations to Dr. Craig Reed, our Block 1 Genius Award Winner, as well as Dr. Sarah Carroll and Dr. Monica Reynolds, who are sharing the Block 1 Morning Report Attendance Award.
Congratulations to Dr. Katie Jacobson, a second-year medicine-pediatric resident. She was recently elected treasurer of the National Med/Peds Resident Association (NMPRA). As treasurer, Katie will be a member of NMPRA’s executive board and will work on a national level to promote med/peds issues. We are proud of you, Katie!
GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE NEW INTERNS WHO STARTED ON JUNE 24TH! We are thrilled to have you join our UNC family.
Congratulations to Dr. Lee Sigmon, winner of the Semester Morning Report Genius Award!
Congratulations to all our Resident Award Winners for 2011-2012.
Congratulations to Dr. Andy McWilliams, Dr. Kiran Venkatesh and Dr. Adam Buntaine, winners of Resident Research Day. Congratulations to all who have worked hard to perform research this year and were able to present in the 2012 Research Day.
Congratulations to Dr. Loren Robinson, Med-Peds PGY-3 resident. She received the Henry C. Fordham Award from the UNC School of Medicine’s Class of 2012. Each year, the graduating medical school class selects one member of UNC’s Housestaff to receive this award, which “recognizes a member of the housestaff for the qualities of patientce, humility, and devotion to medicine.” As the award recipeient, Loren participated in the graduation ceremony on May 13th.
The timeline and tips for navigating the the new medical specialties matching program as a UNC resident can be found here. The ERAS, NRMP, and AAIM websites also have helpful information.
Congratulations to Dr. Sarina Pasricha (PGY-2) for winning Best Basic Science Research Award and to Dr. Michael Bode (PGY-1) for winning Best Clinical Vignette at this year’s NC ACP meeting in Greensboro, NC
Thanks to Dr. Brooks Vance for organizing a UNC Internal Medicine Habitat for Humanity Day. It was a blast! We’ll try to keep up this great tradition.
Congrats to Dr. Ryan Madanick who was recently ranked #6 on the Klout score for global online influence in medicine!
A big “Thanks!” to Dr. Chelminski for hosting Wintern Fest! Glad so many could make it out!
Class of 2011 celebrates a 100% board pass rate. Third years, you can and should register for the boards! You’ll have to wait ~ 1 month for your scheduling permit and Raleigh fills up super fast (as in early January), so sign up now!
Congratulations to the Medicine Department: Voted “Best Clerkship” by the 3rd year medical student class for the second year in a row.
A special Thank you to Dr. Klipstein for hosting a gathering at Top of the Hill to help us celebrate!