Hi everyone,
Hope everyone is having a great summer! We are so excited about all the exciting UME changes happening around us.
As you already know we are a year into our new TEC 2.0 curriculum. The new medical students have been enjoying the new curriculum. In case you hadn’t heard, students have more case-based learning in Foundation phase. Many DOM faculty members are participating in the CBL small group sessions alongside the course directors leading the curricular content. This coming year, we will go to our maximum capacity of 230 medical students, which will translate into more students in the clinical years of training. There has been and continues to be a great deal of work that has gone into maximizing clinical experiences for the increasing class size.
- Individualization phase (4th year) – there are overlapping blocks (13 and 1; 14 and 2) which may affect capacity for any electives or other clinical blocks. If you are leading such a block, please be mindful of the capacity. You may be able to get more information at the Indi phase meeting (Tuesday, July 9th 2-3pm). Please look out for Mindy McKinney’s email.
- Carolina Competency course – the Offices of Medical Student Education (OMSE) is instituting a new course spanning the 4-year medical school curriculum ensuring competency-based education and assessments.
- IM residency applications – we have a record number of UNC medical students applying for IM residency this year. There is a core group of career-goal advisors, led by Dr. Katie Gill, that mentors these students through their application cycle. Many thanks to you all who write their letters of recommendations. We appreciate your getting them in on time.
Hope you continue to have a wonderful summer, and please contact us about any questions.
Ashley Henderson and Koyal Jain
Co-Directors of UME, DOM