The Environment
The Environment and Asthma
There are numerous environmental factors that can trigger asthma exacerbations and sensitivity to these factors will vary from person-to-person. It is extremely important that asthmatics take every measure possible to eliminate these triggers from their environment. For example, if a person knows their asthma is triggered by dust, then they should keep their home as clean as possible at all times. If unable to remove the trigger from their environment, then they should take the precautions necessary to reduce their exposure to the trigger. For instance, if someone knows their asthma is triggered by the cold, then they should make sure to bundle up well on cold days.
Listed below are common environmental triggers of asthma as well as some resources available to those struggling with the environment’s effect on their asthma.
- Pollen
- Mold
- Dust
- Smoke
- Pests
- Disinfectants
- Weather
- Pets
American Lung Association: Removing Asthma Triggers in the Home
North Carolina Resources for Environmental Asthma Triggers
North Carolina Healthy Homes: Main Page
North Carolina Healthy Homes: Resources
North Carolina Healthy Homes: Wake County
North Carolina Healthy Homes: Durham County
North Carolina Healthy Homes: Orange County (Free Healthy Homes visits are provided for Orange county residents with children under 18 with asthma)