Sample Submission
Please fill out contact information form and appropriate service request form prior to sample submission.
Sample collection
Please flash freeze samples as soon as they are collected, store them at -80C, and ship them in dry ice.
In-person delivery can be coordinated with the Core.
DNA and RNA submission requirements
We recommend to use fluorometric methods for nucleic acids quantification, such as Qubit, PicoGreen® or RiboGreen®. If you use spectrophotometer (i.e. Nano Drop) to measure DNA concentration, please be sure to submit double amount of that required for sequencing analysis.
If you are sending DNA, please make sure that your DNA:
- was not subjected to multiple freeze-thaw cycles as it can result in DNA damage,
- was not exposed to high temperatures as it can cause a significant decrease in sequence quality,
- has an OD260/OD280 in a range of 1.8 to 2.0,
- is not contaminated with RNA,
- does not contain denaturants or detergents
- is suspended in DNase-free water or such buffers as 10mM Tris, Qiagen EB, TE. It is very important that buffers contain no more than 0.1mM EDTA
If the DNA concentration is lower than the amount we require, please be sure to concentrate your sample prior to submission (AmPure Magnetic Bead Cleanup Kit or Silica column-based cleanup kit are recommended).
If you are sending RNA, please make sure that your sample:
- was not subjected to multiple freeze-thaw cycles as it can result in RNA damage
- is suspended in RNase-free water or TE buffer prepared with RNase-free water and containing no more than 0.1mM EDTA.
- has been assessed for integrity following isolation using the Agilent Bioanalyzer with an RNA Quality Number (RQN) or with an RNA Integrity Number (RIN) ≥ 8.
- has been treated with DNase.
Libraries submission requirements
If you have ready-to-sequence libraries, please follow these requirements:
- For Illumina sequencing we require at least 30 ul of the library or library pool (not lower than 15nM, 5nM per library within a pool) to be submitted along with BioAnalyzer trace.
- For Ion Torrent sequencing we require 20 ul of the library or library pool to be submitted along with Bio Analyzer trace.