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Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders: Supporting Latino/a Women and Birthing People Through Pregnancy and Postpartum

October 26, 2023
Andrea Diaz Stransky, MD, and Carolina Alford, LCSW led an interactive webinar where participants gained an appreciation of common beliefs about pregnancy and postpartum in the Latino/a community. They discussed the daily realities that pregnant patients face, the nuances of clinical diagnosis in Latino/a pregnant patients, as well as strategies to...

Perinatal Mood Disorders, Bonding, and Attachment

October 26, 2023
Mary Kimmel, MD and Andrea Diaz-Stransky, MD-BHSc When pregnant and postpartum people suffer from depression and/or anxiety, they can struggle to connect with their babies in healthy ways. This can lead to difficulties with bonding and attachment. Insecure attachment in mother-child dyads can lead to increased anxiety and emotional problems...

Perinatal Mood Disorders: Helping Your Patients Access Mental Health Care at UNC

October 26, 2023
Pregnant and postpartum women and their families are experiencing high levels of stress at this time. Learn about NC MATTERS and the SUMMIT Study: two mental health care access programs within the Perinatal Psychiatry department at UNC that support providers and patients via teletherapy, psychiatric assessments, real-time provider consultation, and...

NC MATTERS: Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders

October 24, 2023
NC MATTERS Medical Director Mary Kimmel and Program Manager Karen Burns recorded a training video for health care providers learning to provide supportive services to pregnant patients with a history of trauma. Topics covered include PMAD symptoms, use of appropriate screening tools, evidence-based treatments, and how NC MATTERS can help...

Hear a MATTERS Consult Call

October 24, 2023
Ever wonder what a consultation call on the NC MATTERS line might sound like? Dr. Mary Kimmel and Nurse-Midwife Karen Saxer teamed up with our partners at MAHEC to offer a sample as part of their new podcast, Just Us: Before, Birth, and Beyond. Click here to find the episode,...

What is NC-PAL?

September 27, 2023
Learn more about how Duke University and UNC work together to offer the North Carolina Psychiatric Access Line, which powers both NC MATTERS and the North Carolina Telehealth Partnership for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Access. This short video explains why psychiatric access programs are essential for perinatal and pediatric mental...

Congressional Briefing on Maternal Mental Health and Suicide

September 27, 2023
NC MATTERS Medical Director Dr. Mary Kimmel presented at the 2nd Annual Congressional Briefing on Maternal Mental Health and Suicide on June 8, 2021. The event was sponsored by the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, March of Dimes, and Sage Therapeutics in cooperation with a number of national organizations aimed...

Mom in Crisis: How the Pandemic & Formula Shortage have Fed the Maternal Mental Health Crisis

September 27, 2023
On June 8, 2022, Dr. Mary Kimmel joined this congressional briefing sponsored by Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, 2020 Mom, and Shades of Blue Project; in partnership with March of Dimes, Mental Health America, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; and in conjunction with the Congressional Mental Health,...

NC MATTERS & Postpartum Support International Webinar

September 26, 2023
We recently teamed up with our friends at Postpartum Support International to offer a lunch & learn to healthcare professionals working in Eastern NC. We talked about perinatal mood & anxiety disorders and shared how our two programs can help patients and their providers who are seeking support. Find the recording...