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12/16/08: Deshmukh lab identifies novel mechanism used by neurons to evade cell death

December 16, 2008
In a paper published in Nature Cell Biology, Allyson Vaughn and Mohanish Deshmukh have identified a strikingly similar mechanisms used by neurons and cancer cells to evade cell death. Neurons and cancer cells are very different by most criteria, yet have the common characteristic of extensively utilizing glucose. Here, we...

12/03/08: Core Facility upgrades

December 3, 2008
UNC Neuroscience Center is pleased to announce that the Confocal and Multiphoton Imaging Core has received a major upgrade with the installation of a new Olympus Confocal microscope. The Olympus FV1000 confocal microscope is specifically designed for long-term imaging of living neuronal tissue. It is equipped with a dedicated environmental...

11/17/08: Snider lab publishes article in PNAS

November 18, 2008
  A large multi-institutional collaboration, including Dr. William Snider’s laboratory, published an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science which identifies a critical component in the development of human syndromes involving craniofacial and cardiac defects. This work began by characterizing patients with craniofacial and cardiac abnormalities akin to...

10/28/08: Paul Barnes takes Assistant Professor position at Oregon Health & Science University

October 28, 2008
Paul Barnes, PhD, a postdoc from Franck Polleux’s lab, accepted a faculty position at Oregon Health & Science University. He is a new Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and a member of the newly formed Neurodevelopmental Research Program in Pediatrics. Paul is also the recipient of the Mentored Research Scientist Development...

10/23/08: Helen Lyng White Fellowship

October 23, 2008
We are pleased to announce that Holden Higginbotham has been selected as this year’s Helen Lyng White Fellow in Neuroscience Research. Holden did his PhD work with Dr. Joseph Gleeson at the University of California San Diego, where he published studies on neuron migration in developing cerebral cortex. At UNC,...

Zylka lab publishes cover article in Neuron

October 23, 2008
Congratulations to Mark Zylka, Nate Sowa and Bonnie-Taylor Blake for publishing the cover article in the October 9 issue of Neuron ( In their paper, they found the transmembrane isoform of Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) plays a critical role in pain mechanisms. PAP is expressed in pain-sensing neurons, encodes the...

10/20/2008: More than 225 neuroscientists attend 9th Annual UNC Neuroscience Symposium

October 20, 2008
The 9th Annual UNC Neuroscience Symposium was held Thursday, Oct 16th at the Carolina Club with more than 225 neuroscientists from UNC and other Triangle institutions in attendance. Catherine Dulac, PhD, Sebastian Seung, PhD, Marc Raichle, MD, and Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, PhD were the speakers at this year’s event.

9th Annual UNC Neuroscience Symposium- Speaker times and titles

October 1, 2008
We are pleased to announce the 9th Annual UNC Neuroscience Symposium will be held on Thursday, October 16, 2008 from 9am until 1pm. The event will again be held at the Carolina Club on UNC Campus. We invite you all to attend! 9th Annual UNC Neuroscience Symposium 9:00am – 9:50am...

9/29/2008: Pevny selected for Study Section

September 29, 2008
Dr. Larysa Pevny will serve as a permanent member on the NIH Neurogenesis and Cell Fate Study Section. This study section reviews applications concerned with the initial formation of cells in the developing nervous system, as well as cell specification, determination, and differentiation. Areas to be included are: regulation of...

Polleux elected Co-Chair for the next Neural Development Gordon Conference

September 3, 2008
Dr. Franck Polleux was elected co-chair of the next Neural Development Gordon Conference. This is one of the most popular scientific conferences in the field of Developmental Neurobiology. It usually takes place at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island and is held every other year (next one in 2010)....