The 2023 UNC Neuroscience Symposium
The 2023 UNC Neuroscience Symposium will be held on Thursday, October 12th at The Carolina Club.
The Andrew S. Rachlin UNC Neuroscience Symposium will be held on October 12, 2023 at the Carolina Club.
Featuring presentations from the following external speakers:
Dr. Scott Soderling, Duke University School of Medicine – Chair of Cell Biology, George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor for Research in Molecular Biology, Professor of Cell Biology, Professor of Neurobiology, Director of the Transgenic Mouse Facility
Dr. Shane Liddelow, New York University, Assistant Professor – Department of Neuroscience and Physiology, Assistant Professor – Department on Ophthalmology
Dr. Gina Turrigiano, Brandeis University, Joseph Levitan Professor of Vision Science
Featuring Presentations from the following internal speakers:
Dr. Katie Baldwin, “Cellular cross-talk in super resolution”
Dr. Celia Shiau, “How specialized immune cells function across organs from brain to digestive system”
Dr. Kate Reissner, “Cocaine self-administration triggers long-lasting adaptations in rat nucleus accumbens glial structure and activity”
Dr. Graham Diering, “The stuff that dreams are made of: the developing synapse is uniquely vulnerable to sleep deprivation”
REGISTER HERE – (Registration Closed)