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The National Gnotobiotic Rodent Resource Center is a unique and essential resource for all investigators to study physiologic and pathophysiological functions of normal and dysbiotic resident bacteria, with particular emphasis on gene-environmental interactions in genetically altered gnotobiotic mice (transgenic, knockout or spontaneously mutated) with altered physiology and disease phenotypes.

Learn More About the NGRRC


Center Features
  1. We provide gnotobiotic mice nationally;
  2. We have a highly experienced team of technical staff who perform experimental techniques;
  3. We provide external investigators the option for onsite tissue collection;
  4. We collaborate with the UNC Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Center (MMRRC) and Collaborative Cross (CC) Consortium;
  5. We train and support external investigators to set up their own local gnotobiotic units.
  1. Provide germ-free and gnotobiotic mice to investigators across the country;
  2. Derive mouse strains into germ-free conditions;
  3. Support new investigators to generate preliminary data for grant applications;
  4. Train personnel to develop gnotobiotic facilities at other institutions;
  5. Develop and characterize complex microbial communities and libraries of bacterial strains.