Erin Carey, MD, MSCR from UNC Health’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has accepted a formal leadership position with FastTraCS, the MedTech commercialization service at the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Science (NC TraCS) Institute. Dr. Carey will facilitate the engagement of clinicians across UNC Health in FastTraCS initiatives with a particular focus on device development and FemTech innovation.
The goal of FastTraCS is to identify unmet clinical needs across UNC Health and then design, prototype, and test innovative solutions to the marketplace. Throughout this process, FastTraCS develops new approaches to clinical need identification, commercialization strategies, and fostering trusted, collaborative relationships with clinicians.
Dr. Carey has worked with the FastTraCS team over the last few years. One of her device ideas, SmartWand used for guided pelvic floor therapy, began with the FastTraCS engineers. “I think it is a great opportunity for me and the department to engage in the innovation community,” said Dr. Carey.
Dr. Erin Carey is the current Director of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery at UNC Health. Common themes in her research include exploring peripheral and central pain mechanisms and phenotyping patients with pain syndromes, with the objective of identifying novel treatment strategies for different subgroups. Her long-term goal is to incorporate effective treatments for chronic pelvic and sexual pain into clinical practice.