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Collaborative Programs:

Center for Women’s Health Research at UNC

Keeping women healthy is beneficial to their families, our communities, and our society, yet we still have too little knowledge about how gender affects health, disease, and aging. The Center for Women’s Health Research at UNC provides exemplary research services to women’s health investigators across the campus, regardless of department, division, school or college.

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Network at UNC

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Network at UNC-Chapel Hill is part of a national network focusing on clinical questions regarding matters concerning maternal fetal medicine and obstetrics. Major advances in women’s health from this prestigious group include the use of progesterone to prevent preterm birth and magnesium to protect the brains of tiny newborns.

UNC Center for Maternal and Infant Health

The Center for Maternal and Infant Health is dedicated to helping patients with high-risk pregnancies and families with medically fragile infants to navigate a complex health care system, working with them to make sure they are receiving the best care available.


Comparing Options for Management: Patient Centered Results for Uterine Fibroids (COMPARE-UF) is a voluntary registry of 10,000 women with uterine fibroids that seeks to answer questions that matter most to patients with fibroids when considering the pros and cons of different treatment options. To help women make these decisions, COMPARE UF will collect information from participants about their medical history, planned and previous treatment for their fibroids, current symptoms, and quality of life.

4th Trimester Project

The goal of the 4th Trimester Project is to bring together mothers, health care providers, and other stakeholders to define what families need most during the 4th Trimester: the 12 weeks following delivery in which a woman must recover from childbirth, adapt to changing hormones and learn to feed and care for her newborn, all at once.
