UNC Orthopaedics Hybrid Grand Rounds welcomes Judy F. Baumhauer, MD, MPH on November 10, 2021, at 6:30am. Dr. Baumhauer will be presenting “Patient Reported Outcomes: How They Influence the Care We Provide to our Patients”. Dr. Baumhauer serves as Associate Chair of Academic Affairs and Professor, Division of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics at the University of Rochester. Dr. Baumhauer currently sits on the board of directors of the PROMIS Health Organization. Her research interest focuses on the clinical translation patient-reported outcomes. Using this skill, she leads the design and implementation of clinical trials to bring new, clinically important orthopaedic products through the FDA into the hands of physicians to improve and advance patient care. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Baumhauer by joining our Grand Rounds in person at Bioinformatics 1131 or by zoom https://zoom.us/j/97860279137?pwd=aHFycFh5YkFWR1lxeUZsSU9CcFNPUT09
Meeting ID: 978 6027 9137
Passcode: 883197