It is an exciting time at the Center as we prepare for the holidays and the New Year.
We celebrated our Fourth Annual No Limits Gala fundraiser, November 2, at the Carolina Club on the UNC campus. The addition of silent and live auctions was a great success.
It was a pleasure to present our advocacy award to our featured speaker, Francis Greenburger, who traveled from New York to be with us at the gala, and to share his family’s experience with mental illness and the court system.
In this issue of our newsletter, you can read more about the gala and Francis Greenburger, as well as the Wake ACT Team’s collaboration with our Farm at Penny Lane to feature a weekly farm-to-table supper club; clients learn about planning and preparing healthy meals. The Wake OASIS clinic in Raleigh, which treats early psychosis, just moved its offices to 3010 Falstaff, where Wake STEP, Wake ACT and our Research Center reside.
The Center’s Individual Placement Support (IPS) supported employment is participating in a U.S. Social Security Administration’s Supported Employment Demonstration. The study will look at how providing employment services, along with integrated behavioral health and social services to individuals with mental Illness, influences their ability to find and maintain employment.
I am grateful for the commitment of our faculty and staff and the support of our advisory board and donors as we all work hard for those we serve.
With best wishes for the holiday season,
John Gilmore, MD
Thad and Alice Eure Professor of Psychiatry
Vice Chair, Research and Scientific Affairs
UNC Department of Psychiatry