I am pleased to have the opportunity to update you on the many activities here at Center.
Our IPS supported employment program received an exemplary rating in a recent fidelity review. The annual Brushes with Life Opening Exhibit and Reception continues to be an important event for our artists who featured 100 works of art this year.
In this issue of the newsletter, you will also read about the Center’s ACT and case management teams who are taking part in a research collaboration between the Duke School of Medicine and the North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness. Our integrated care program is collaborating with Piedmont Health’s Dental Services to provide dental screenings for our patients.
We are looking forward to our Fourth Annual No Limits Gala fundraiser on November 2. With support from our advisory board, we added both a silent and a live auction to our signature event. Our gala speaker Francis Greenburger, a successful real estate developer, author, and mental health advocate, will receive the Center’s annual Advocacy Award.
Registration for the gala is available at unccecmh.com I hope you will join us!
I am grateful for your continued support.
John Gilmore, MD
Thad and Alice Eure Professor of Psychiatry
Vice Chair, Research and Scientific Affairs