JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association, is pleased to announce the appointment of Anthony Charles MD, MPH, as Associate Editor. Dr. Charles is the Oliver Rowe Distinguished Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Division of General and Acute Care Surgery, Director of Adult ECMO, and Director of Global Surgery at the UNC Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Charles is recognized as an academic surgeon-scientist passionate about global surgery research outcomes and clinical practices. He has been an investigator on numerous grants from the National Institutes of Health focusing on trauma and burn injuries and health care disparities. Recognized for his work nationally and internationally, he has published over 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is an active member of the Society of University Surgeons, the Southern Surgical Association, and the American Surgical Association, among others. As the only surgeon on the editorial staff, Dr. Charles will bring an experienced clinical perspective and basic science background to the editorial team.
Congratulations to Dr. Charles!