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Dr. Tessmann, a heart surgeon, joins UNC faculty

June 14, 2017
Paul B. Tessmann, M.D., Pharm.D. June 15, 2017 The UNC Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery welcomes Paul B. Tessmann, M.D., Pharm.D., who has joined the UNC faculty as an assistant professor of surgery. Dr. Tessmann is a cardiothoracic surgeon who specializes in cardiac surgery for adults. He comes to UNC from...

Dr. Sell-Dottin wins 2017 Womack Scholar award

June 14, 2017
  Kristen Sell-Dottin, M.D. June 14, 2017 Congratulations to Kristen Sell-Dottin, M.D., a Cardiothoracic Surgery resident at UNC, who was named the winner of the 2017 Womack Scholarship award, presented by the Nathan A. Womack Surgical Society. The award is presented each year to an outstanding Surgery resident at UNC...

Thoracic Surgery wins 2017 Outstanding Service Award

June 14, 2017
June 14, 2017 The Thoracic Surgery service of the UNC Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery won the 2017 Outstanding Service Award, which is presented annually by UNC Department of Surgery interns to the service that they consider is best at faculty teaching and at providing clinical opportunities and technical experience. The...

Dr. Sell-Dottin is named to Academy of Educators at School of Medicine

May 11, 2017
May 11, 2017 Congratulations to Cardiothoracic Surgery resident Kristen Sell-Dottin, who has been selected for the Academy of Educators at the UNC School of Medicine. The Academy of Educators, started in 2006, promotes and supports excellence in teaching and the work and career paths of excellent teachers. It also promotes...

Vascular and cardiac surgeons join for minimally invasive repair of aortic-arch aneurysm

April 6, 2017
The endovascular repair by Mark Farber, M.D., and Thomas Caranasos, M.D., was life-saving for the patient. This type of repair has only been performed a few times in the United States.

Dr. Ikonomidis joins UNC as chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery

March 6, 2017
He is a cardiac surgeon and researcher and came to UNC from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C.

Grateful for every breath: UNC patient is nation’s longest lung transplant survivor

February 22, 2017
Howell Graham, who received a lung transplant at UNC Hospitals, is now the longest-surviving lung transplant patient in the United States. He talks about his transplant, the first for a cystic fibrosis patient at UNC, and his appreciation for the better life he received with his new lungs. Thomas M....

Dr. Caranasos, Dr. Vavalle win “Health Care Hero” award

February 8, 2017
  Dr. Caranasos Dr. Vavalle Feb. 8, 2017 Thomas G. Caranasos, M.D., and John P. Vavalle, M.D., M.H.S., are among 10 people from UNC Health Care to be named 2017 “Health Care Heroes” by Triangle Business Journal. Dr. Caranasos, a cardiac surgeon, is an assistant professor of surgery in the...

Dr. Caranasos, Dr. Cheng and collaborators develop synthetic cardiac stem cell

January 3, 2017
Synthetic stem cells could offer therapeutic benefits, reduced risks.

Two win scholarships to attend Society of Thoracic Surgeons meeting

December 22, 2016
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) has awarded UNC medical student Eric Jernigan a Looking to the Future scholarship to attend the STS annual meeting, to be held in Houston Jan. 21-25, 2017. Jernigan is finishing a research elective in cardiothoracic surgery. The award provides travel, lodging, registration and special...