UNC Surgical Health Services Research Center (USHER)
What We Envision
The center will be the nation’s premier place to conduct research and develop a career at the intersection of surgical quality improvement, surgical coaching, decision sciences, and implementation science.
Our Mission
To improve the delivery of surgical care by conducting high-impact research and cultivating the next generation of surgeon-scientists.
Five Year Goals
- Develop and advance a statewide quality collaborative for improving the delivery of surgical care.
- Establish a robust and inclusive surgical health services research training program for early career faculty, fellows, and residents.
- Acquire and sustain extramural grant funding and philanthropy to support high-impact research.
- Inform health policy at institutional and state levels through community partner-driven research and partnerships.
Our Leadership
Research Professor of
Surgical Oncology
Associate Director, USHER
Associate Chair of Quality,
Department of Surgery
Director of Quality & Implementation,
NC Surgical Quality Collaborative
Professor of Plastic &
Reconstructive Surgery
Director, USHER
Associate Professor of
Vascular Surgery
Surgical Director, ERAS
Associate Professor of
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Director, Thoracic Surgical
Research Associate Professor
of Surgical Oncology
Associate Director, USHER
Scientific Director, NC Surgical
Quality Collaborative
Carter Sherman, MSW
Research Program Manager