Congratulations to Ugwuji Maduekwe, MD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Surgical Oncology. Dr. Maduekwe was elected as a Councilor for the Association for Academic Surgery for the Class of 2013. Each year, one Council member is elected for a two-year term for each year-of-entry group.
Dr. Maduekwe’s Statement of Interest to AAS:
I first attended the ASC as junior faculty and was immediately struck by the energy. I watched the students and residents in attendance with something akin to envy. I worried I was too late. I have since benefited from and given back to AAS – attendance at the grant writing course, moderating a session at the ASC, service on the Publications Committee, and meeting peer mentors. I am interested in serving as an AAS Councilor because I believe earlier exposure to and more expansive representation in academic surgery is integral to health equity, and the AAS is aligned with this goal.