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Liubov Arbeeva, MS, biostatistician, Thurston Arthritis Research Center (TARC), recently received a subaward as a UNC PI for a grant awarded to Margaret Gruen, PhD at NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

The 5-year study, Innovative modeling of the biopsychological model in animals: Validation of outcomes for assessing emotional and cognitive domains affected by naturally occurring chronic pain in dogs, aims to develop and disseminate a battery of assays for emotion and cognition that will significantly advance the translations model of canine OA pain. The proposed work would result in the naturally occurring animal model of chronic pain relevant to human conditions, which will improve translational potential for development of novel non-opioid therapies.

Other investigators on this project include Duncan Lascelles, PhD, NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Masataka Enomoto, DVM, NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, Brian Hare, PhD, Duke University, and Francis Keefe, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine.

 Project number: 1R01AR085335-01