Required Core Courses
Courses in basic and advanced pharmacology, toxicology, pathology, pathophysiology and biostatistics
Listing of Required Core Courses (numbers in parentheses are credit hours)
TOXC 442: Molecular and Biomedical Toxicology (3)
TOXC 707: Advanced Toxicology (3)
BBSP 610: Biostatistics for Lab Scientists (3)
PATH 713/PATH 714L: Disease Mechanisms (3,2)
PATH 715/PATH 716L: Systemic Pathology (3,2)
Skills Development Courses and Seminars
- TOXC 721—Toxicology Seminar II (1)
(In this course, second year students continue to hone their critical reading and oral presentation skills by focusing on topics of interest to toxicologists in training) - TOXC 821—Scientific Writing (1)
(In addition to workshop-style discussions on different types of scientific writing, students receive guidance on the organization of the doctoral research proposal and complete a first draft of their own proposal by the end of the course) - TOXC 722—Curriculum in Toxicology Weekly Seminar Series (1)
(Toxicology students formally register for this activity during each semester until graduation. This series includes presentations by advanced students (third year and up), postdoctoral fellows, and invited local and national leaders in toxicology)
Research Courses (formulation and development of doctoral research)
- TOXC 901—Research in Toxicology (3) during the second year
- TOXC 994—Doctoral Dissertation Research (3) after passing the written exam
Biostatistics: A course in biostatistics is required, unless the student has taken one at the graduate level before admission. The choice of course among those offered at UNC-Chapel Hill – BBSP 610 (fall) or BIOS 600 (fall or spring, if offered) will vary among students and research directions; this choice will be made with the advice from the research adviser and/or the Director of Graduate Studies.
Two course sequences are outlined as examples in the following page. The first shows the sequence of courses recommended to the student who is interested in Toxicology from the beginning of the first year. The second is for the student who selects the Toxicology program only after joining the laboratory of the doctoral research advisor.
Need more information? Please contact Rebecca Fry