Traineeship from the NIEHS
The Curriculum in Toxicology has had a Training Grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for 25 years. This training program offers a wide range of opportunities for research on environmentally relevant problems or mechanisms. Although the primary goal is to have trainees perform high quality research, our role is also to help trainees determine his/her future niche in science. | |
Appointees to this training program have the benefits of a faculty advisory committee chosen to offer the trainee perspective and a source of discussion relevant to any issue of research or career development. Trainees are expected to seek independent research support, and to apply for external funding (usually NIH NRSA F32) for continued post-doctoral training with the research adviser. This process will provide trainees with experience in mentored grant preparation and, for most of them, the first opportunity for competing successfully for their own funding. We also make advanced trainees aware of the potential of new programs, such as the NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award (K99/R00) program.
Applications for these traineeships are competitive and limited to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. For application submission and additional details, please contact: Dr. Bernard E. Weissman ( NIEHS Postdoctoral Application Checklist For additional information, write to: Dr. Ilona Jaspers ( |