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Fundraising and Funding Support Opportunities

  • WAV: Wrestle-A-Vessel
  • Minor League Baseball in NC: We had a great time with the Kannapolis Cannon Ballers last year and again in July 2024. The Durham Bulls hosted a fundraiser 8/18/2024 as part of their Durham Bulls vs. National Sound game. Lots of fun and some money!

Sawyer and Lauren, raffle for CaNVAS at the Ballpark

Fundraising Video for Wrestle-A-Vessel

Enjoy our first attempt at a WAV fundraising video. We want videos and more videos. Please see directions on this video and on the flyer below for helping us get your video and making some money for the program!

For anyone looking for another way to make direct donations to our Vascular Anomalies Clinic use the link or scan the QR code.

Make a Gift

Members of our team have had past support from Liam’s Land Foundation and the Lymphedema Research Foundation. As a growing enterprise we are always looking for financial support. Tax deductible donations can be made by visiting Make a Gift to UNC Health Foundation.