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We have tried to include information that families and practitioners have asked us about. If there is other information you would like us to include, please call the healthcare provider in the Vascular Anomalies Clinic whom you are seeing at the contact numbers listed in the Our Team section.

How to make an appointment:

Health care providers can make a new referral to members of our team using the telephone numbers provided on the Our Team page. If you want to see Pediatric Hematology Oncology and other team members contact Amelia Stewart at (919-445-2355) and ask her to coordinate visits.  We usually can arrange same-day visits with at least 2 clinics. After the initial evaluation, we also can help coordinate referrals to other centers when patients have unusually complex problems, are moving, or just want a second opinion.

Our Clinics:

UNC Pediatric Hematology-Oncology (PHO) and Pediatric Dermatology will continue to hold monthly joint clinics in our PHO clinic in the Cancer Center at the main Hospital in Chapel Hill. For patients who need other specialists we will make arrangements as needed.

Staying in the area:

If it is easiest to stay overnight, feel free to ask that we make a referral to our Ronald McDonald House (919-913-2040), for patients under 18 years, or to our SECU House (919-932-8000), for patients 18 years or older. Families of up to 4 people can stay at one of these facilities for one or more nights, depending on availability. If beds are full, RMH or SECU will help families get a discounted hotel room.