On Saturday, June 3rd, UNC Anesthesiology honored and celebrated 14 Class of 2023 residency graduates at the department’s end-of-year residency graduation banquet. A full room of departing CA-3s and their support persons, fellow residents, program leadership and UNC Anesthesiology department leaders gathered to recognize the accomplishments of graduating residents as each transitions to fellowship or practice.
In keeping with annual tradition, multiple awards were presented at graduation to both senior residents and teaching faculty for demonstration of excellence across fundamental areas of academic medicine, including patient care, education, leadership and research. This year, CA-3 and faculty awardees included:
- George F. Sheldon Leadership Award — Dr. Dayley Keil
- Most Outstanding Resident Award — Dr. Craig Grosshuesch
- The Bailey-Valley Award for Excellence in Pediatric Anesthesiology—Dr. Alnesha Banks
- Outstanding Resident Research Award — Dr. Shirin Ghanavatian
- Faculty Teaching Award —Dr. Bryant Murphy
- Outstanding Faculty Mentorship Award —Dr. David Mayer / Residency Program Director and Edward A. Norfleet, MD ’70, Distinguished Professor Dr. Susie Martinelli noted:
“Celebrating our graduating residents provides a perfect opportunity every year to recognize our [CA-3s] witness the payoff of hard work during residency in becoming fantastic anesthesiologists when they graduate from our program. We are proud to have them go off to their fellowships and jobs as ambassadors of UNC.”
The residency graduation ceremony also presented a timely, end-of-year opportunity to announce faculty members named to UNC Anesthesiology’s 2022-2023 Faculty Teaching Honor Roll* for the 2022 – 2023 academic year. This list consisted of clinical faculty ranked in the top 20% of UNC Anesthesiology’s teaching faculty based upon resident evaluations of the physician educators who train and mentor them.
UNC Anesthesiology Chair and Chief Operating Officer of UNC Faculty Physicians Dr. David Zvara reflected on the joy and celebratory recognition of the annual graduation banquet:
“[UNC Anesthesiology] has a huge number of outstanding teaching faculty across all the clinical divisions. Our faculty members truly provide world-class education to our residents across the spectrum of settings, including the operating rooms, perioperative areas, ICUs, clinics, classrooms, simulation sessions, and outside of the clinical settings. All our faculty members are highly deserving of acknowledgment and congratulations for directly impacting the education of our residents and improving the care of the patients our residents will care for when they move out into practice.”
* UNC Anesthesiology AY 2022-2023 Teaching Faculty Honor Roll
Jeremy Armbruster – Regional and UNC Hospitals HBH campus
Ben Cobb – Obstetric Anesthesia
Vishal Dhanda – Pre-care and UNC Hospitals HBH campus
Lindsey Gouker – General and Obstetric Anesthesia
David Hardman – Liver/Vascular Care
Michael Hart – Obstetric Anesthesia / UNC Rex Holly Springs Anesthesia
Mark Henry – CT Anesthesia and UNC Medical Center ICU
Rob Isaak – Liver/Vascular Care
Priya Kumar – Liver/Vascular and CT Anesthesia
Rob Kyle – CT Anesthesia
Andy Lobonc – Pain Medicine
Susie Martinelli – CT Anesthesia
Andres Rojas – Regional and General
Kathleen Smith – Obstetric Anesthesia
Lacey Straube – Obstetric Anesthesia
Adam Suchar – Pediatric Anesthesia
Emily Teeter – CT Anesthesia
James Williams – General and Neuroanesthesia