We are pleased to announce that three members of UNC’s Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Leadership Team are honored for this opportunity to serve The American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER).

The American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) is “a nonprofit organization with an international membership, which is dedicated to the practice of enhanced recovery in the perioperative patient through education and research.” Read more about this important organization on their website! The following positions will be represented by members of UNC’s Department of Anesthesiology:
- Dr. Rob Isaak, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Co-Director of the Enhanced Recovery Program has been selected to co-chair ASER’S committee on Hepatobiliary/Pancreas/Transplant
- Dr. Lavinia Kolarczyk, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Co-Director of the Enhanced Recovery Program has been selected to serve as committee member for ASER’s Committee on Hepatobiliary/Pancreas/Transplant
- Lyla Hance, Manager of the Enhanced Recovery Program has been selected to serve as co-chair of ASER’s Newsletter