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Frederick Douglas’s Birthday

Frederick Douglass was an American abolitionist who escaped slavery and committed himself to social activism thereafter. To remember him today, read his most famous of his autobiographies, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.

St. Valentine’s Day

A Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus. Typically associated with romantic love and celebrated by people expressing their love via gifts.


Also known as Nirvana Day in Mahãyãna Buddhism, this day is the annual festival that commemorates the death of Buddha after he reached his final nirvana. Buddhists often celebrate this day by visiting Buddhist temples or monasteries and meditating.

Lantern Festival

The first significant feast after the Chinese New Year, named for watching Chinese lanterns illuminate the sky during the night of the event.

Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday

Susan B. Anthony was one of the most visible leaders of the women’s suffrage movement. She’s remembered as a champion of labor rights, abolition, temperance, and equal pay for equal work.


A Hindu festival especially for worshippers of Lord Vishnu. Millions of devotees take a holy bath on this day. Devotees also carry out charity work on this day.

Magha Puja Day

Also known as Maka Bucha, a Buddhist holiday that marks an event early in the Buddha’s teaching life when a group of 1,250 enlightened saints, ordained by the Buddha, gathered to pay their respect to him.

Respecting All

This workshop explores microaggressions and biased behavior prevalent in the SOM and provides participants tools with which to intervene when witnessing acts of disrespect and discrimination.

World Day of Social Justice

An international day recognizing the need to promote social justice, which includes efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, gender inequality, unemployment, human rights, and social protections.

University/Community MLK Memorial Banquet

(This event was originally scheduled for January 16 but was postponed due to concerns about inclement weather creating power outages and internet interruption) Keynote speaker: Elmira Mangum, PhD – the first woman to permanently hold the position of President of Florida A&M University in its 128-year history. She will be joined at this event by … Read more
